Friday, June 17, 2005

Downing Street Memo

What I don't understand it how a "British memo noticed what was missing" but hasn't gotten more press coverage. I mean, really why hasn't this caused more of a scandal? More of an outrage? Instead, it has been dismissed, hushed, and waived away.

What is happening to America? Is our media completely controlled by the government?!


At 1:35 PM, Blogger Bicycle!Bicycle! said...

For my own sanity I have to believe that its their profit motive that keeps a lid on this story. They don't want to disillusion viewers with negative stories because they may change the channel or buy a different newspaper. I have to believe that. And I can only hope that the American public will open their eyes and not be afraid to admit they have been tricked into this immoral war.

If this war is so important for America's safety and security, why don't we see the politicians' children enlisting in the fight?

At 2:17 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

a true michale moore statement peng. but it does make a good point. somewhere (on the internet) i read someone asking the question, "why doesn't Bush send his daughters to iraq if he believes this war is so noble?" it would be the most patriotic thing to do.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

sorry, i meant michael moore.


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