Thursday, May 25, 2006


Well I have had the unique opportunity of looking at some of this NSA intelligence and I have made a list of things you may or may not know. Trust me, this is being done for our protection.

You might be a terrorist if God tells Bush you are.
You might be a terrorist if after 14 months of torture you admit you are.
You might be a terrorist if you live in the US.
You might be a terrorist if you're Muslim and live in Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, etc, etc.
You might be a terrorist if you're dating someone in a foreign country.
You might be a terrorist if you are calling anyone outside the US.
You might be a terrorist if you own a bank account that has overseas transactions.
You might be a terrorist if you are a Quaker opposing the war.
You might be a terrorist if you are any race and object to the war.
You are a terrorist if you protest the war.
You might be a terrorist if you are Muslim and live anywhere (except Iraq, then you are an insurgent)
You might be a terrorist if you question any part of this administrations intentions.
You are a terrorist if you question the above vocally.
You might be a terrorist if you have ever visited a website from the Middle East.
You might be a terrorist if you have ever talked to a Muslim person.
You might be a terrorist if you object to the violations of your civil liberties.
You might be a terrorist if you have ever .......well let's admit it we probably all are terrorists, it's just that the Pentagon hasn't gotten around to starting a file on us yet.

As you can see there really is no way to know without cutting a few constitutional corners.

I will leave you with this thought. It has only come to light just recently that spying on Americans has been taking place now for the last few years. We are being told this from our Secretary of State and former National Security Advisor as justification for these programs.
"We have to remember that the President looks at many many many pieces of intelligence about coming attacks. Frankly almost none of them specific enough to act upon."

As you can see this program is yielding some very impressive results, that the President can't act upon.
And when he did have valid research warning of terrorist attacks (or a coming hurricaine) he didn't act upon it . . . huh.

Am I a terrorist for posting this?
No, I am not.

to quote Ani Difranco:
"I love my country
By which I mean
I am indebted joyfully
To all the people throughout its history
Who have fought the government to make right
Where so many cunning sons and daughters
Our foremothers and forefathers
Came singing through slaughter
Came through hell and high water
So that we could stand here
And behold breathlessly the sight
How a raging river of tears
Cut a grand canyon of light"


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